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“ We have a strategic plan. It’s called ‘doing things’. ”

Herb Kelleher, Southwest Airlines CEO and Founder

What does this table represent, and how should it be interpreted?

The purpose of this list, which will be updated as projects advance, is to give you an overview of what the councilors and the administration are doing on your behalf. It does not, of course, cover every detail of the daily routine of the commune (services to the population, building permits, general maintenance of green spaces, administrative and financial monitoring, etc.). As promised, we will be transparent about things and also publish what is not going so well. We will thus be able to put things right by adjusting our priorities if necessary.

Current and future economic circumstances will force us to make choices, based on your priorities but also on those dictated by the current environment in which we operate. Here again, we believe that this table allows you to follow what has been accomplished as well as work still in progress, planned or postponed.

The projects mentioned in this list are mainly based on the official multiannual planning exercise (2020-2025) and on the Pro-Kraainem – Kraainem-Unie political program. It also includes issues that have arisen during our current term in office, such as Covid-related measures, which we could have done without, the redevelopment of the 4-Bras crossroads on the ring, etc.. This list is not exhaustive and should be seen as a basic monitoring tool for keeping track of how we are doing in implementing policy on your behalf. It is not an official document of the municipality of Kraainem.

This list will, in time, also include some financial and other information on the projects mentioned (such as general context, what is at stake, the reasons for the choices made, etc.)

Domain (EN)Project (EN)Type of project (EN)MJPAR nr.GE/OCStartEnd% OKKey
_ Update 2024-09-09 10:16
MobilityWoluwe (blvd. de la): avoid cut-off Lobby20192022100%15015
Public worksInstallation of fibre optic network and renovation of pavements where synergies are possible Light renovation1-2-120212023100%15040
MobilityPromoting the MTB plus-pass (Brupass XL)Administration1-1-220192022100%15060
MobilityOptimising public transport: frequency and routes201930%15065
Public worksAmédé Bracke (street): pavements Heavy renovation1-2-12022100%15165
Public worksAnnecy (av.): pavements Heavy renovation1-2-1202410%15168
Public worksBéguinage (rue du): pavements Heavy renovation1-2-120222023100%15205
Public worksBouleaux (av. des): pavements Heavy renovation1-2-10%15206
Public worksAubépines (av. des): pavements Heavy renovation1-2-120202021100%15235
Public worksPetite Normandie: pavements Heavy renovation1-2-120212020100%15297
Public worksLongue (rue): pavements (Kraainem side) Light renovation1-2-120202021100%15322
Public worksLouis Niemegeers (rue): pavements Heavy renovation1-2-120222023100%15324
Public worksBois Soleil (av. du): pavements Heavy renovation1-2-120250%15356
Public worksBaron d'Huart (av.): renewal of the top layer and cycle lane Light renovation1-2-220212023100%15368
Public worksReine Astrid (av.) (end of south side): bicycle path & redevelopment of Baron d'Huart roundabout Heavy renovation1-2-220212022100%15392
Public worksAnciens Combattants (av. des): renovate bicycle paths (-> rue du Moulin) Light renovation1-2-2201920%15422
MobilityFaisans (av. des) : zone 30 (adapt infrastructure) Infrastructure1-2-3202150%15443
Public worksChapelle (av. de la), Honnekinberg, Hebron (av.) : redevelopment and 2x draining Heavy renovation1-2-3202370%15454
MobilityQuartier des Oiseaux: 30 km/h speed limit Infrastructure1-2-320202022100%15459
Public worksAnnecy (av.): redevelopment Heavy renovation1-2-3202510%15461
Public worksVerger (clos / rue du): redevelopment and 2x drainage system Heavy renovation1-2-3202525%15474
Public worksVerte (rue): redevelopment and 2x draining Heavy renovation1-2-3202530%15509
Public worksNoisetiers (allée des): redevelopment Heavy renovation1-2-3202510%15519
Public worksHebron (av.): renewal of the top layer and pavements on the field side between av. Reine Astrid and rue au Bois Heavy renovation1-2-320202021100%15532
Public worksLenaerts (rue) between av. Dezangré and the viaduct bridge: redevelopment Heavy renovation1-2-3202350%15545
Public worksTroënes (av. des): redevelopment Heavy renovation1-2-320255%15547
Public worksMoulin (rue du): redevelopment and 2x draining, cycle path (with AWV/Riopact) Heavy renovation1-2-3202510%15557
Public worksArgile (rue d') and Reine Astrid (av.): traffic platform Heavy renovation1-2-320202020100%15606
Public worksSequoias (av.): redevelopment Heavy renovation1-2-3202510%15615
Public worksSeringas (rue des): redevelopment and 2x draining Heavy renovation1-2-320202020100%15621
Public worksSaint-Michel (drève): redevelopment Heavy renovation1-2-320202020100%15629
Public worksSaint-Pancrace (av.): top layer and pavements Heavy renovation1-2-320202021100%15667
Public worksSaint-Pancrace (place de) to Avenue Begonias: top layer and pavements Heavy renovation1-2-320202021100%15678
Public worksTulipes (rue des): redevelopment and 2x drainage system Heavy renovation1-2-320202022100%15714
Public worksZaventem (chaussée de): redevelopment South side (between rue du Moulin et l'avenue Dezangré) Heavy renovation1-2-3202430%15719
Environment & ClimateAgora Centre: cooling system (using nearby water sources) and new drainage systemClimate plan2-1-12140000020202021100%15721
Environment & ClimateEnergy maintenance plan for municipal assets (Fluvius, 3Wplus plan for 20 projects) [Key-18774]Climate plan2-1-1202140%15727
Environment & ClimateSECAP 2021-2030: agreement with Flemish Brabant to support services [Key-18774]Climate plan2-1-12021100%15782
Environment & ClimateSolar panels on the roofs of municipal buildings (Agora, own investment)Climate plan2-1-1230000002021100%15783
Environment & ClimateSolar panels on the roofs of the Dépôt, the town hall and the sports hall by Druifkracht & EcopowerClimate plan2-1-120212021100%15789
Environment & ClimateLED street lighting (and replacement of fittings where needed)Climate plan2-1-222800000202055%15805
Safety & Public healthNoise barriers along the R0Support population2-2-122500000202080%15814
Safety & Public healthAir quality and general nuisance: monitoring and improvement measuresSupport population2-2-36134099202250%15847
Environment & ClimateDevelop and implement the parks and avenues tree management planEnvironment2-3-261340999202160%15878
Environment & ClimateRaising awareness among residents about the cleanliness of public spacesEnvironment2-4-175%15928
Environment & ClimateInfrastructure to promote public cleanliness (bin management)Environment2-4-261340999202175%15942
Animal welfareAnimals (strays): take action to cope with the problemEnvironment2-4-361340999202140%15945
Environment & ClimateSustainability/awareness of inhabitants (Repair Café, exchange economy,...)Support population2-5-16134099202180%15959
Safety & Public healthImplementation of the ANPR (CCT) camera project (via PZ WOKRA)Support population664000002022202380%15983
SchoolsDe Klimboom school: new buildingNew construction3-1-122910000201930%16038
SchoolsDiabolo school: installation of containers pending the overall renovation projectHeavy renovation3-1-220192020100%16039
Public propertyDiabolo school: extensionNew construction3-1-222910000202550%16041
Safety & Public healthMaking municipal patrimony asbestos-safe by 2025Support population3-2-122911000202080%16057
PopulationCemeteries: redevelopment ("light" renovation + extension of the Colombarium)Light renovation3-2-12201930%16086
Public worksFlooding: subsidies for protective panels and non-return valvesSupport population3-2-1320192020100%16089
Safety & Public healthAsbestos removal during construction (+ assistance to residents). OVAM regulations and subsidiesSupport population3-2-264910000202175%16101
Public propertyChaudron building: renovation (after the PWA building)Heavy renovation3-2-3202210%16109
Public propertyPWA building (old commissariat): renovation (excluding garage -> PPP Justice de Paix building)Heavy renovation3-2-32021202370%16120
Public propertyJustice de Paix: new building and removal of the PWA garage (PPP)Heavy renovation3-2-3202215%16144
Public propertyChâteau Jourdain: renovation of the orangery and the verandaHeavy renovation3-2-52022100%16167
Public propertyChâteau Jourdain: painting, electricity and kitchen maintenanceLight renovation3-2-520212023100%16179
Public propertyChâteau Jourdain: renovation of the caretaker's lodgeLight renovation3-2-520202021100%16205
Public propertyChâteau Jourdain: repair roof over the petanque courts Light renovation3-2-62291000020%16218
Public propertySports hall: installation of ventilation in the cafeteriaNew construction3-2-6229100002021100%16271
Public propertySports hall: renovation of the ventilation systemLight renovation3-2-622910000202180%16278
Public propertyTennis bubble: replacementNew construction3-2-62291000020202021100%16282
Public propertyFootball: new grandstand and renovation of small standsNew construction3-2-62291000020202021100%16290
Youth and child policyNew premises for the Saint-Dominique ScoutsNew construction3-2-720202021100%16355
Youth and child policyNew premises for the Saint-Pancrace ScoutsNew construction3-2-720202021100%16368
Youth and child policySanitary facilities under St. Dominic's ChurchHeavy renovation3-2-720202021100%16380
Youth and child policyPublic playgrounds: maintenance and repairsMaintenance3-2-822800000202185%16389
Territorial planning"Building Levels" development plan (RUP bouwlagen)Follow-up3-3-22021100%16451
Territorial planning"Open spaces and plots" development plan (Pikdorenveld among others)Follow-up3-3-2202140%16458
Communication and participationOptimise and expand communication channels (municipal newspaper, online newsletter, social media, website, etc.)Transparency4-1-1202190%16469
Communication and participationMaximal electronic communication (AGORA website, Diabolo, - free time booking tool)ICT4-1-224100000202150%16472
Communication and participationDevelop external visual communication (replacement of the old topical tickers)Communication4-1-32410000020202022100%16479
Communication and participationEnabling citizen participation via the websiteCitizen participation4-1-521100000202175%16489
Communication and participationSupporting citizens' initiativesICT4-1-76134099950%16505
Youth and child policyVarious activities for young children (e.g. Children's House in the Agora Centre,...)Social affairs6-2-16159099920212023100%16637
CultureOrganise various activities around the culture and history of Kraainem / support initiativesCommunication6-2-361590999202170%16710
Leisure & SportOrganise activities to promote the associations + cooperation with the municipalitySupport associations6-1-16134099960%16725
Leisure & SportReview of financial support to associationsSupport associations6-1-280%16727
Leisure & SportOrganise activities in cooperation with neighbouring municipalitiesSupport population6-1-46134099980%16756
Make municipal activities accessible to people with disabilitiesSupport population6-2-761590999202125%16765
Make sure that the different cultures present in Kraainem know each otherSupport population6-4-150%16820
Encourage contacts between NL and FR associations and support bilingual initiativesSupport population6-4-240%16830
Advertising of commercial offers in the municipality (Z-card)Support local business7-3-22023100%16855
Guide to the Temporary Work Experience Route VDAB-TWE01Support population7-3-450%16875
PopulationNeighbourhood mediation (via PZ WOKRA)Follow-up7-1-120192020100%16938
Public propertyHoeve Van Deuren: construction of a meeting centre CPASNew construction7-1-322100000201990%16942
New initiatives to promote local employment (CPAS)Support population7-3-661590999201920%16955
Social / CPASSocial housing (housing, emergency shelter, ILA ...) in the "Meeting Centre" (Hoeve Van Deuren)Social affairs7-4-1202380%16959
Intergenerational cohabitation (e.g. Kangaroo houses, community living...)Support population7-4-220%16970
Children's House websiteICT7-5-1100%16978
Launch of a "Babycafe"Administration7-5-220212022100%16987
Helping older people stay in their homes longerSupport population7-7-120%17058
Displacement of people with reduced mobility: provision and extension of the solutionSupport population7-7-215%17061
SchoolsDe Klimboom school: organising after-school activitiesSupport population8-1-220212023100%17153
Safety & Public healthOrganise a broad awareness of the ELZ among local actors (general practitioners, doctors, etc.)Communication8-2-275%17205
PopulationPurchase of recording equipment and streaming for public meetingsInfrastructure61420999202110%17212
PopulationCode of ethics for councillorsFollow-up20202021100%17220
PopulationFluvius : website and documents in FrenchLobby202070%17224
PopulationComplaint form on the municipality's websiteAdministration20192021100%17226
PopulationOnline public access for building permits, etc. in FrenchLobby201970%17237
Communication and participation2019 and 2021 surveys of residents to determine prioritiesCitizen participation20192021100%17259
Communication and participationStreaming of public meetings (town council, committees, CPAS council, etc.)Transparency20202021100%17261
Communication and participationStreet art on the bridges (direction Sterrebeek, W-W, E40 in Kraainem-Nord), possibly AMJP 2022-1Infrastructure202290%17271
Local businessCovid supports for local businesses (2020-2021)20202021100%17284
Local business"Kraainembons" vouchers + website for local businesses6496000202190%17294
Local businessPlexiglass screens and CO2 sensors for traders and the caterers (2020-2021)20202021100%17314
Environment & ClimateCuriouzeneuzen in Parc Jourdain and Prinseput (2021)Environment20212021100%17353
Animal welfareSheep grazing sites (Rue au Bois, Prinseput, Parc Jourdain, Champ de la Croix)Environment20202021100%17381
Environment & ClimateRenewal of Prinseput Park (incl. sports facilities and children's playground)Heavy renovation202160%17387
Environment & ClimateVLM spatial planning projectEnvironment22200000100%17390
MobilityReplacement of bus stopsNew construction20192020100%17409
MobilityBicycle boxes (Jules Adantstraat, Oppemlaan, Koningin Astridlaan (Potaardestraat), Brackestraat)Investments2280000080%17426
MobilityCycling infrastructure (monitors, signs, etc.)Infrastructure22800000202050%17451
Public worksReine Astrid (av.): bicycle path between Tram 39 and Roi Baudouin roundaboutHeavy renovation20192020100%17457
MobilityBicycle stands in suitable placesInvestments22800000202260%17461
MobilityMunicipal grant (200 €) for the purchase of an electric bicycle or electric kit installationClimate plan6491000020212021100%17476
MobilityParking Metro Kraainem (W-S-L): prevent extension project (2020)Lobby20202021100%17480
MobilityStreet infrastructure (cushions, traffic signs, etc.)Infrastructure22800000202080%17481
MobilityDames Blanches in WSP: mitigating impact of local housing project on mobility in KraainemLobby202125%17487
Public worksFleurs (av. des): redevelopmentHeavy renovation20202021100%17501
Public worksRiopact: contribution in the drainage system of the commune (allowance of 1800 k€ in the 2019-2024 period)Allowance22700000202370%17544
Public propertyPurchase of land next to the St Pancratius Scouts and additional storage placeInvestments220000002020100%17560
Public propertyAgora Centre: new building for bilingual cultural centreNew construction2210000720192021100%17562
Public propertyMunicipal buildings / ventilation systems + fire detection alarm + LED lightingInfrastructure2300000060%17591
Public propertySt. Pancras Church: renovation of the organ (with subsidies)Heavy renovation3-4-122100007202040%17599
Public propertyOld mill behind the sports hall: rehabilitation of the siteNew construction22800000202350%17639
Public propertyOude Pastorie: renovation (kitchen)Light renovation3-2-5229100002022100%17642
Public propertyPZ WOKRA: roof replacement including solar panels and ventilation (W-O)Heavy renovation664000002021100%17663
Territorial planningRecycling park in Wezembeek-Oppem for the 2 communes of WOKRAFollow-up2250000020222023100%17666
SchoolsDe Klimboom school: Dutch language courses for non-native speakersSupport population20212021100%17786
Heat wave and cold weather planSupport population70%17800
ManagementReplace 'High' and 'Low' Kraainem with 'South' and 'North' KraainemAdministration202285%17825
Social / CPASChamp de la Croix: social housing projectNew construction202060%17840
Encouraging volunteer work through the "Give a Day" platformSupport population202180%17863
Safety & Public healthInclude all streets in a PLP (neighbourhood watch) zoneSupport population20202020100%17876
Safety & Public healthInstall CO2 sensors (small or large) in buildings accessible to the public20202022100%17895
Safety & Public healthCampaign "smoke-free generation" (signs, etc.)Support population20212022100%17914
Safety & Public healthFace masks for the population20202020100%17943
Safety & Public healthAmend the Police Regulations (2019 version outdated) / Systematic yearly updateSupport population20202022100%17947
Safety & Public healthAirborne noise, continuous lobbying, a.o. taking part in federal consultation of Minister Gilkinet's 'States General' (operating licence extension 2024)Lobby201975%17964
Public worksWezembeek (av. de) : pavements between av. Reine Astrid and Brussels region Heavy renovation1-2-120202020100%18003
Leisure & SportYearly folk party in Parc Jourdain (to replace the Beguinage festival)Support population20222022100%18007
Mobility4-Bras (AWV): maintain current traffic lanes on the av. de Tervuren and limit the traffic impact on Huart and Béchet districtsLobby20212022100%18035
Public worksFerdinant Kinnen (rue) and Reine Astrid (av.): repair of traffic platform Heavy renovation1-2-350%18063
Animal welfareFree-running dog areas (Rue au Bois, Prinseput, Parc Jourdain)Environment20202021100%18086
Safety & Public healthStewards (city guards)Support population62010000202250%18105
Mobility4-Bras / tunnel renovation (AWV 2023-2024): limit mobility impact for the commune202110%18107
Help to Ukrainian refugees (reception centres, OCMW accompaniment, schools, etc.)Support population20222023100%18171
Public worksZaventem (chaussée de): redevelopment North side (including clos du Vivier en chemin des Mésanges)Heavy renovation1-2-3202420%18177
PopulationCemeteries: redevelopment ("light" renovation + extension of the Colombarium) / Consulting (external company)Light renovation3-2-12202285%18195
Public propertyChâteau Jourdain: alarmsystem for theftLight renovation3-2-52022100%18197
Environment & ClimateLimit energy consumption in the buildings of the commune (gas, electricity)EnvironmentGEOC202270%18254
PopulationDe Watergroep : website and documents in French, idem for SMSLobby202085%18261
Territorial planning"Floods" development plan (RUP Overstromingen)Follow-up3-3-220225%18265
Safety & Public healthReplacement of asbestos-containing roof scout building next to St Dominic's ChurchSupport population20202022100%18267
MobilityCharging stations for EVsInvestments22800000202235%18287
MobilityPublic transport: provide multi-modal transfer points 'hoppinpunten' at appropriate locations202210%18292
Public worksAnémones (av. des) : redevelopment Heavy renovation1-2-350%18311
Public worksCorneilles (chemin des) : redevelopment (and local repair for specific spots) Heavy renovation1-2-350%18314
Public worksDezangré (av. Arthur) : redevelopment Heavy renovation1-2-350%18325
Public worksAnciens Combattants (av. des) : redevelopment Heavy renovation1-2-3202450%18330
Youth and child policySt Nicholas parade in the streets of Kraainem (organize again)Support population2410000020222022100%18335
Environment & ClimateMaking shared cars available at various locations in the communeEnvironment61340999202150%18350
Social / CPASOrganise information campaigns and evenings (preventive/indicative) for children and parentsSupport population90%18353
Public worksWezembeek (av. de) : pavements between Av. Reine Astrid and Av. de BurbureLight renovation50%18452
Public worksCyclamens (av. des) : redevelopment Heavy renovation1-2-32023100%18550
Environment & ClimateEnergy desk common for the WOKRA areaEnvironment2-1-12023100%18559
Safety & Public healthLighting access road to UCL (extension of Avenue Hebron, Zaventem territory)Lobby20212023100%18609
Territorial planningMaintaining the agricultural areas around the clos des DahliasFollow-up2023100%18611
Public worksRepair of the sidewalks1-2-122500000202160%18767
Public worksEvaluation, reparation and development of the cycling infrastructureHeavy renovation1-2-222400000202070%18773
Environment & ClimateActions and commitments of the Covenant of MayorsEnvironment2-1-161340999202135%18774
SchoolsDe Klimboom school: installation of containers pending the overall renovation projectHeavy renovation3-1-220232024100%18823
Public worksStructural tackling of floodingSupport population3-2-1364960000201940%18833
Public propertyDevelopment of the Chaudron, Justice of the Peace and PWA sites Heavy renovation3-2-322910000202150%18845
Youth and child policyRenovate and expand the scout buildingsNew construction3-2-76640000020202021100%18901
Communication and participationIntroduction social networks (FB,...)Transparency4-1-1202170%18911
Children's House website + Playotheek software lending platformICT7-5-160%18928
CultureOrganise de Vinck expo in Castle Jourdain [spring 2024]Communication6-2-32021100%19118
PopulationX'mas lighting from 2024Follow-up202380%19158
Safety & Public healthMeasures to control wild boar numbers in the CommuneFollow-up202350%19162
Public propertyRenovate showers Kraainem Football ClubLight renovation3-2-622910000GE202290%19173
SchoolsRenovate sanitary ware in both schoolsLight renovation23000000GE2022100%19182
Public propertyInstalling fence Kraainem Football ClubLight renovation3-2-622910000GE20222023100%19198
Public propertyRenewal of sports lining sports hallLight renovation3-2-622910000GE20222023100%19201
Public propertyRenovation windows JC De VillaLight renovation22910000GE50%19206
Public propertyPurchase of exercise benchSupport population22800000GE80%19217
MobilityAccess Castle Jourdain parking lot for the disabled along Avenue Arthur DezangréLight renovationGE20232024100%19226